We are about to celebrate Halloween. All hallows’ eve is where the name of halloween comes from. A hallowed person is another name for a saint. We call October 31– All Hallow’s Eve because it is the eve of All Saints’ Day which is November 1.
A growing trend among Christian families is dressing children as saints for Halloween, rather than as ghouls or witches, to take back the celebration of the “Hallowed Eve” of the Feast of all Saints. This is to emphasize that saints serve as role models. They lived an exemplary life of loving God and serving others. They lead us closer to God and Mother Mary. They showed us ways to fulfill our mission. They pray for us and help us in living our identity as true children of God.
In line with the celebration of All Saints’ Day or we call it Holyween, Grade 1-6 students came to classes dressed up like their favorite saint last October 27, 2022, Thursday.