Personalized Education of Poveda (PEP)
- Principle of INDIVIDUATION: development of what is individual, singular and unique in a person; (LEARNING TO BE)
- Principle of SOCIALIZATION and COMMUNICATION: formation of the individual as a member of society; (LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER)
- Principle of CREATIVITY: stimulating and fostering the individual’s capacity to freely express and develop his/her creative powers; (LEARNING TO DO)
- Principle of RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM: providing opportunities to choose, enabling the person to judge and make decisions with autonomy;(LEARNING TO MAKE CHOICES)
Features of the Program
- Individual Work (IW) Period – students learn new concepts through the use of learning tools. IW enables the students to be active agents of their own learning process. It is a process of learning to know.
- Encounter Period – the students, guided by their subject teachers, share what they learned during the Individual Work (IW) period.
- Normalization and Evaluation Sessions – the students are given the time to balance their different faculties through varied activities. They also assess their performance and determine where they stand in the continuum of learning.