Quality Assurance Office

The Quality Assurance Office spearheads quality improvement and supports the school’s effort to maintain, sustain, and continually enhance its programs and services. It seeks to ensure that the systems implement agreed standards and specifications based on the schools’ philosophy, vision, and mission.


  • Curriculum Development
  • Research
  • Global Relations and Networking
  • External and Internal Audit
Specifically, the Quality Assurance Office:
  • Works closely with the President’s Executive Council in leading the development, management and administration of quality assurance systems and processes
  • Leads accreditation activities in coordination with the Basic Education Council and the Research Team
  • Manages preparations for external evaluations or accreditation by both academic and non-academic agencies
  • Coordinates with the different departments in designing and conducting internal audit of systems and processes
  • Collects, analyzes, and utilizes data to influence administrative and educational decisions
  • Manages the establishments of networking, partnerships or links with various institutions and/or agencies